At innotio, we are:

A female-founded and owned company, which cultivates a spirit of inclusion and empowerment that promotes diversity, equal opportunities, family-friendly, and flexible working conditions.

A multicultural and age-diverse team of creative and unique individuals who complement each other’s strengths with their individual talents. What connects us is that we always care for each other.

A closely connected team-driven company. Our sense of community within and outside the organization is the binding force and driver of our actions.

Our foundation is dedication. What we do, we do with 100%, giving our all every step of the way:

Operating from Switzerland, we benefit from its stunning nature, egalitarian society and democratic governance, being fully aware of the privileges this entails for our daily lives and our work as a company.

At the same time, the Alpine region is strongly impacted by climate change, showing the effects already today. It will be even more affected in the coming decades, a thought that occupies us regularly.

At innotio, we commit to:

  • Social and environmental responsibility
  • Community involvement and societal contribution
  • Creating a sustainable future


  • Acting in an ethical and socially responsible manner that is good for planet, society and people
  • Respecting each other and the planet we inhabit
  • Leaving a place worth living for future generations


  • Raising awareness and educating on rare disease, helping to develop therapies and strategies improving the lives of those affected
  • Creating unforgettable experiences and encounters with an ever-present focus on sustainability
  • Utilizing our expertise and women-power for social causes.

At innotio,
we know that:

Our services can have both positive and negative impacts on both people and the planet.

As such we want to make clear commitments to understanding our impact, and put in place creative yet practical actions that achieve our strategic goals and targets.


At innotio, we are committed to understanding and reducing our carbon emissions, whilst protecting the vital resources needed to continue doing business in a sustainable way.


At innotio, we know that people need to be cared for to ensure they live life to their full potential. We are committed to providing a safe, pleasant and productive work environment.


At innotio, governance is very important to us. Good governance builds trust, and ensures that people continue to work with us to deliver their services. We commit to creating transparent and robust ethical standards that demonstrate high levels of legal and reputational integrity within our business.